March 1998
It's Already Time For An Update!
Dear Family and Friends,
A second trip to Iowa City brought us some great news. The latest CAT Scan of Sebastian's abdomen revealed that after one cycle of chemotherapy his tumor has shrunk 67%! So, Instead of being the size of two grapefruits, it is now the size of one large orange. (Hope you're not hungry!) We are all encouraged by this news-including the doctors and nurses.
They explained that the tumor starts growing in the shape of a ball and if space allowed, would continue in that formation. Realistically it "bumps" into organs like the liver or kidney, and pushes on them causing them to have difficulty functioning properly. When the tumor has pushed the organs as far as possible, then it starts wrapping around them. So when the chemotherapy starts killing the cancer cells, it targets the newest ones first causing the tumor to shrink back into its ball shape.
The "experts" have told us that they don't expect the tumor to continue to shrink at this rate. The tumor may appear to stop shrinking because the chemo is leaving behind scar tissue made up of dead cells. Surgery is still scheduled for the beginning of June and probably won't be moved up even though the tumor is shrinking because they want to kill the cancer cells with chemotherapy first.
In the last newsletter I wrote that the doctors were not sure if the cancer had spread to the liver or diaphragm. The latest tests show that it doesn't look like it has spread, just that it was pushing up against those organs. (During the surgery they will be able to determine for sure).
Sebastian's tummy is much smaller and he is much happier. We are beginning to see signs of the "terrible twos" -especially since he has been so spoiled (by daddy) in the hospital. He has handled the chemo remarkably well without any problems that you usually see like nausea or vomiting. He has, however, lost all of the hair on his head. We expect those long eyelashes and eyebrows to go next.
To borrow some words from a friend, we really feel enchanted. It is very hard to believe that things can be going so well under these circumstances. Every time we turn around, God works in our lives as well as Sebastian's. We have been trying to journal all of the wonderful ways that He is moving us and an author has already offered to write a book about this incredible journey so check out your book stores in the future! Please keep Sebastian in your prayers and praise God for the great things he has done already.
This last hospital stay with Sebastian has reminded me of the different ways that God carries us. Sometimes when I would pick him up, he would kick and scream in protest while looking over my shoulder -- trying to see what he might have been able to do. Sometimes he would reach up to me, knowing I would pick him up and he would just relax, close his eyes and drift off to sleep. Still other times while I perched him on my hip, he would just hang on and watch to see where I was taking him.
There are times when we are angry that our lives have been so totally turned upside down because of this disease. We kick and scream and look back on the way things used to be before the cancer. Other times we are just numb from the emotion, exhaustion, and frustration of it all. We reach for Him, knowing that He will pick us up and just close our eyes in faith and let Him carry us. Most of the time we are just hanging on with our eyes wide open to see where He takes us.
We know how difficult this is for many of you to hear about. It is so sad that such a little boy can have such a horrible disease. It is comforting to know that many of you have cried with us and for us about Sebastian. We just want you all to know that we hope, trust and pray that you too will lean on the Lord when you feel bad about this and other things.
In closing, we want to extend our deepest thanks to all of you who have done so much for us. I know that Miss Manners really frowns on corporate thank-you's but we hope you understand. We will keep you posted and always love to hear from you.
In God's Love,
The Dockery's
Steve Sr., Tracy,
Michele, Steve Jr., Stephanie, Samuel, Sebastian, and Spencer